9 Ways Increase Engagement On Facebook Posts

Engagement is important on Facebook, and we’re not just talking about a few likes on a post. Likes and comments are what keeps your post relevant. To Facebook, the more engagement you’ve got on your post, the more important it is. This is magic to the Facebook algorithm. It gets your posts shown to more of your fans organically! Without paying a dime! Woo hoo. People are commenting and liking for a reason, right? If you’re looking for some ideas on how to get more interaction on your posts, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of our favorite ways to get more than just a few likes.

Our Top Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

  1. Post at an active time.
    There are generally 3 times of the day when posting is most effective: 7 AM – 9 AM (before the day begins), 11 AM – 1 PM (lunchtime), and 8 PM – 10 PM (before bed).  We have also found that Friday afternoons around 2 are also optimal as people are checking out from their work for the week. Sorry employers.  Most users will be online at one of these points in the day, whether it is right when they wake up, during lunch, or before bed. To find your more specific times, go to Insights on your Facebook page, scroll down to Posts, and you’ll see an accurate graph of when your fans are online.
  2. Ask questions.
    What better way to get some good engagement than to ask your fans a simple question? Keep it relatively short though, because not too many users will be willing to type an entire paragraph for an answer.
  3. Use images or videos!
    Images not only look good, but it’s more to scroll past than just text. They’re more appealing than plain text posts. Videos create movement and capture people’s attention!
  4. Check out what type of posts have gotten engagement in the past.
    Again, you can find out a lot from Insights. For this, you’ll navigate to Insights and go to the Posts section. From there, you’ll go to Post Types at the top. This will show you these post types: video, shared video, photo, link, and status. You can see what type of post gets the most reach and engagement from your audience and what time is ideal for your business engagement. Take note of this and use it to your advantage!
  5. Reply to comments.
    You’re putting in the effort to get more comments, so don’t let it go to waste! Check the comments throughout the day. Like comments and reply periodically, not all at once. This will aid in keeping your post relevant in the News Feed. And keep it showing organically to your fans!! Yay!
  6. Have fans share a photo of their own.
    Many times, people will be happy and proud to share a photo of theirs. For example, if it’s National Dog Day, ask for them to share a photo of their dog to help celebrate. Don’t forget to like and reply to these comments! Even if you get engagement on these “fun” posts that will help your business posts be shown to more of your fans!
  7. Use the reactions to your advantage.
    Instead of just liking your photo, people can now react to it with different emotions. Have people give their opinion on a certain subject by using the reactions instead of commenting. You could ask “What do you prefer?” and each reaction stands for a different answer. Make sure to specify how to answer these!
  8. Try a fill-in-the-blank post.
    This could be as simple as “My favorite food is ____” or more complex with a multiple word answer. Be creative with this; there’s really no way to go wrong with it.
  9. Compare products and see which folks like better. Offer an a, b, c and d option! This may help you choose new products or increase inventory on a current product.

Give These A Try!

Go ahead and try out a few of these tactics and let us know how they work out for you in the comments! Remember, not every single tip always works for everyone. Every page is different and you’ve got to test and see what gets the most engagement for your Facebook page. Good luck!

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